I'll be setting up to stream our church service live again this morning. Hopefully the disconnection problems we had last week are gone with the settings changes I made. I have some independent Christian artists who have given permission to play some of their music before the sermon. I may start that as early as 9:45am (central).
Our pastor is starting a new Christmas sermon series this week. Looking at the schedule, it looks like the sermon may start about 11:10am or so. Its hard to guess how long the music, specials, announcements, etc will take before the sermon starts.
If you want to listen in, you can do that HERE. If you do tune in, I'd again be happy to know your feelings on the technical part of it to know what needs to be improved.
I wish Windows Media Player could play AAC+ streams. I was goofing around with some testing the other day and I was amazed at the audio quality for as low of bandwidth as it needed. It sounded much better than mp3 but for now we've gotta stick with the masses. We can't ask everyone to download a special player just for this, although it sounded so good, I'd almost like to.