Back home from taking the boy back to the doctor. After testing another sample, they did say that he has a little blood in his urine. The doctor said that whenever they find blood in urine of a boy his age, they have to do a culture and send it to a specialist. We'll know Friday if that showed anything. Meanwhile, he's on antibiotics in case (and hopefully) it is just a bladder infection. If its not an infection, she said there is a small chance of a kidney stone (rare but possible) or other more serious problem.
Hope everything comes out okay Web. Hopefully it is just a UTI.
Man, I've had a heck of a day. But, because some people saw I was having a bad day, they went out of their way to say how much they appreciate me, so that made me feel good. And I had one of our vendors call us today with a very friendly check in call, and that made me feel a lot better too. I really like that vendor, they've got great customer service!