Morning all, just hooking up some more cables and electronics in my HD set up today as ive just bought a HDMI HI-DEF 4 way switch box that works with 1080p hd as well! Hope everyone ok out their, have a great day.
That sounds cool, Craig. We have yet to venture into the HD world. Our cable company still doesn't have any HD content. We would have to switch to satellite to be able to enjoy the HD part.
I'm getting ready to leave for worship team practice at church.
If anyone wants to listen in , the live stream is HERE and church starts at 10:45 am CST.
Good day all. I've got a bit to do today and no motivations to do any of it. I need to clean, do laundry, and work on the dress. Maybe in a little bit...
Hi Everyone. I have to work at dillards today and wont be off work till after 8 tonight Hope everyone has a great day and make sure to enjoy FFR JAZZ tonight
morning everyone its a beautiiiiiiiful day here too well at least thats what I am told, I am still in bed! I just cant bring myself to get up yet. Oh well its shopping and a visit to Grandma today. Sparky and my dad are going to get new tires on my car for me so they can avoid the Grandma visit
We're visiting Grandma, too "Nana and Papa" and G.G. (great grandma) for dinner tonight. Have fun with little A-cat. God is she cute. Savannah (lil Cheese) is up and about. Just the other day she jumped into the bathtub fully dressed and turned on the water saying "I bath I bath I bath"-- my Mom was watching her that day.
We need new baby cheese pictures, she is just a doll! I bet she has grown since the last time we got pictures. Its funny the names they make up for people. We have maaa, and pa PA the second half it louder its so funny, but my grandpa is just papa.