I make a tradition of giving to Toys for Tots. My father was a Marine officer, so all things Corps related were a big deal to us. I remember the first time I'd heard of Toys for Tots was when I was in third grade. That year, some creeps broke into and robbed the trailer the Marines were using here locally to store the donated toys until they could be delivered. That really made me mad. First of all, until that point I had utterly no clue that there were little kids whos parents didn't have the money to buy them Christmas presents. Second, I couldn't believe anyone was mean enough to steal toys from little kids like that. Third... thieving is just flat out wrong.
I also don't pass by a Salvation Army bell ringer without putting a dollar in the pot. Seriously... I keep lots of dollars handy because I know I'm going to run into at least one a day. Generally more. Could do it all in one shot, but then I'd feel like a jerk ever time I walked by one.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.