I stayed all night last night with my best friend I was telling you about the other day. I apologized to her for not being more supportive during her parents illnesses. She said she forgave me and understood. She said she thought our young ages had a lot to do with it because none of our friends had yet dealt with personally and didn't realize the feelings of loss and loneliness that come with the loss of a parent.
I also introduced her to FFR last night. She thinks I'm a freak because I'm so familiar and attached to our different forum members. I had to tell who everybody was, where they live, what they do, etc... She loves the requests though.
I'm so happy you got a chance to talk with her like that! I bet you feel a lot better about it all now.
I have the SAME issue with people I know who just don't "get" the forum, expecially since I speak of you all by your forum names People think it's goofy that I say "My buddy Webguy from Nebraska" or "Sparky said the funniest thing".
If she comes around a little it won't take her long to understand the attraction, it's the same as in the real world, good people make things fun!
My wife looks at me funny when I speak of anything from FFR. But she's starting to come around...in fact I had it playing the other night and she loved the music!
Little A and I just got back from Sturgis. My folks took us to Spearfish and then to Deadwood for lunch. Fun day all around and they won enough to cover our lunch so not all was lost.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Did you know that was the first song I requested you to add many many moons ago? I said did you know that was the first song I requested you to add many many moons ago?
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Did you know that was the first song I requested you to add many many moons ago? I said did you know that was the first song I requested you to add many many moons ago?
You know Sparky, I wish you would have said something sooner. I'd be HAPPY to add this for you, but I can't add it if I don't know you want it
Hey JR, Stan Bush-The Touch, one of my all time favs!!! i was goin to send that to u a few weeks ago but my email is still playin up i cant send or recieve! i think i might use works instead if it carries on as i have a few other classics to send as well.
When talking to people who don't know or understand the forum, I usually just say, "I have a friend in [insert location here] who..."
I don't think my hubby "gets" it, but he's lived with all my other quirks, so this is just another. Now he doesn't even flinch when I refer to people by their screen names.
Sometimes my husband gets who I am talking about but just doesn't get what all the fuss with the forum is about. But he has laughed at some of the things that I have told him.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"