I have this really terrific friend from SC who goes by the name Ruby around here. Well this friend of mine named Ruby, just so happened to think of me this Christmas. It is an honor that I can call Ruby my friend.
I know if there was a day where I was just down and out, I could turn to her. I have even gone as far as "Mapquesting" the distance between my house and her house to see how long it would take for me to get there. You never know, right??
I opened my mailbox yesterday and found a package waiting for me. To: Darlene, Love, Ruby it said. I thought "Secret Santa"...Ruby was my "Secret Santa"....no she wasn't, she just mailed it to me, because of our friendship.
The world is a better place because of this woman, she is one class act. Thank you Ruby, you know I love ya!!
Here's my gift from Ruby: It's called "Angel Cheeks" and it's holding a baby penquin, isn't it cute????