I see there was talk of Blue Springs, MO. It's so odd how this always happens. For the last week I've heard of Blue Springs THREE times now! It keeps coming up in conversations and even a news report.
About 8 years ago I took a trip to KC with a friend to see the Brewers play the KC Royals. I knew nothing about the area, so I researched nearby towns based on size and crime stats (didn't want to get stuck in a ghetto) and found Blue Springs. I spent three days there and really enjoyed it.
I don't think I've heard the city mentioned SINCE then, until late last week. Now I hear it mentioned over and over Weird how that always seems to work
I hope you all have a GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT weekend. YAY! Santa comes tomorrow night! WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!! I hope he's noticed I've been a VERY GOOD boy this year!!!