The countdown in on to my long drive home to Weipa now! Can't wait but it is so far away! Thought I would post a map to show you how far I have to drive! I am down in South East Qld in Brisbane at the moment and the trek home is all the way up in the Far North! Just for those whom have not figured out where the hell Weipa is yet!
Anyone want to come along for the drive???
I promise you'll get to see more than one of these:
Hey cheese, most of the roads are unsealed in the far north...there is one big long road which is 12 hours long from Cairns to Weipa which is the only access road to the town, is unsealed, only dirt with very few trees and it floods in wet season..which is just hitting now! Have to get in before the worst hits or you are cut off and can't access or leave the town!
It is a very beautiful drive from Brisbane though if you stop at the towns along the east coast! You drive right up along the Great Barrier Reef so beautiful! Trees, open land, cane fields, flowers, fruit especially banana plantations and you can see kangaroos jumping around everywhere..not fun when they jump put in front of your car though! But miles and miles of beautiful clear turquoise ocean views! Amazing!