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Post Info TOPIC: New Years Resolutions

Grand Poobah


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New Years Resolutions


What are your new years resolutions?

Mine is to spend more time reading and getting the gym routine back into my life.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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To name a few...

  • Stop swearing

  • Spend more time praying (I'm not talking about A LOT here, I've just really not prayed much at all lately )

  • Get BACK into the full swing of my exercise routine.

  • Watch what I eat better

  • Spend less

  • Make more

  • Get my business ideas off the ground

  • Be more understanding of others problems

  • Be more forgiving

  • Spend less time on the computer

  • Spend more time on the air

That's just a starter list   I got A LOT of areas to work on in '07


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I had a huge list for 2006, but its stored on my old broken laptop, which I never got around to getting the hard drive from yet. I wonder how I did? 

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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I'm with the two of you here.  I really want to exercise more, just get out and go for a daily 45 minute walk, or go to a "Step" class at the gym.

Eat better, and get healthy!! I have lost sight of this lately   shame on me!


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Bad Biker Granny

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It's back on the diet for me.  I've been mooing at me lately, so it's definitely time. I'm also hoping to get back to some form of working out. I miss it.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Permanent Vacation

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Mine is mostly along the lines of keeping up the good work. I didn't do as well as I resolved to last year, but I did keep it. I had resolved to develop an exercise routine, and I did do that.

This year, I guess it'll be to keep up the tai chi and as soon as I learn it all, do the short form once a day. I think that'll be pretty easy to keep.




Doesn't Do Windows

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I have two.

I need to get back into my regular walking routine. I've been slacking the last few months.

I need to get less angry with the boy but act sooner when he starts pushing my buttons. I let my frustration build up and then get mad. I plan to start giving one warning and if there's no response, take a mild action at that time rather than letting them all build and pile up into a big ol' heap of "I've had it up to here!"


Smiles everyone, smiles!

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i never really give much thought to making a new year's resolution...  but, i have not been to the fitness center in a couple months and i have been consuming way to much sugar and starches, so definately back to the fitness center for me and back on the south beach diet.

  i also would like to get back to "no tv night" one night a week.  used to be wednesday, but lost is that night.

  i keep saying i am going to get the clutter around the house under control, but.....

i'm sure there's all kinds of room for improvement, but the fact of the matter is that i procrastinate and/or lose interest.  it's a good thing that my hubby loves me like i am 

oh, i have a good one... i really have to stop saying s#!t.  i say that a lot!


You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)

Permanent Vacation

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That's a good resolution Web. One that I think a lot of people wouldn't even realize that they do that.




Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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Three that come to mind....

Read More, specially books that can help me continue to excell at work

Compete in a triathalon before the end of the year

Continue my workouts at the gym and continue to get into better shape (down 30 lbs in the last 2 years!)



Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897


congrats on that weight loss! its life changing, hey?

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09


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Make a list to guide myself through the year. I am so bad at staying on task. Every year I think, I should do that! Then, time passes and I am resolving to do that again.

One big one: Do more artwork.

I always claim to be an artist but, really never do much about it.

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:


congrats on that weight loss! its life changing, hey?

when ya have to throw out clothing that doesn't fit (too big) it feels stonger etc that goes with working out!



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Downside... you'll live a longer,healthier life.

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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squonk wrote:

Downside... you'll live a longer,healthier life.

its a down side I've deceided to live with though!  LOL.....just hurst when I have to eventullay stop drinking the beers!


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

But beer is wonderful.....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Posts: 7442

Ditto that JD:


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

sgmorrell wrote:

JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:


congrats on that weight loss! its life changing, hey?

when ya have to throw out clothing that doesn't fit (too big) it feels stonger etc that goes with working out!

I'm finally hitting that stage. I've lost 21 pounds this year. I'm hoping to lose about that much next year too!




Veteran Member

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  Well, let's see. There is quite a few things I need to work on but the top are:  walk my dogs more so I can convince they that I'm the pack leader.  Not let my kids drive me insane.  Finally to be on time to work.  I'd be late for my own funeral. 


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

wow congrats darling!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Posts: 7442

JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

wow congrats darling!

congrats on what?? What'd I do?


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

oh that was MZ!!! sorry!!

congrats MZ---multi tasking here.

Darling congrats on....well.....looking like a sister to your daughter.


"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Posts: 7442

JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

oh that was MZ!!! sorry!!

congrats MZ---multi tasking here.

Darling congrats on....well.....looking like a sister to your daughter.


Why thank you


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Thanks JD!




Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

very welcome!

looks like I will have to buy a fistful of freeze frame bikinis to mail out for christmas next year!

and no sparky, you can't have one.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Wonder From Down Under

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Did I hear freeze-frame bikinis!!!!  Don't forget about me!!!

Resolutions for New Year are:

1.  Survive Weipa

2.  Successfully learn to drive my beast of a car better...I stink at driving manual 4WDs but I drive it anyway!

3.  Get back to my painting and sketching

4.  Pick up my guitar and continue to learn to play again

5.  Travel outside of Australia

6.  Continue my health regime...I now walk about 3-5km a day but will increase it

7.  Go to bed at more reasonable hours

8.  Read more

9.  Take up another course of study

10.  Just enjoy what life has to offer without fearing consequences..."feel the fear and do it anyway"!


Waiting To Be Widowed

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Get control of the trigeminal way or another.  This will help me fulfill the rest of my resolutions:

Get my mind working again.

Haul my fat @$$ to Weight Watchers AND the gym.

Be a better wife, mother & grandmother by "being there" more.

No more narcoleptic weekends.


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

very welcome!

looks like I will have to buy a fistful of freeze frame bikinis to mail out for christmas next year!

and no sparky, you can't have one.

Ahhh Shucks!

I woulda looked purtty too!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Waiting To Be Widowed

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Posts: 2984

That is both HYSTERICAL & CRUEL!  I love it!!!


Darth Raydar

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I just want to be a better person than this year. I figure if I can just make myself better all the other things will follow.

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