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Post Info TOPIC: New Years Resolutions

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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RE: New Years Resolutions

I have a hard time following my resolutions, so this year my resolution is to not make one!

Then maybe I can actually follow thru with the losing a couple pounds idea. reverse psychology.

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Smiles everyone, smiles!

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haha!  that's like to birthday card i read yesterday-- a guy blowing out candles thinking "i hope i lose the lottery..."


You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)

Chairman Of The Board

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Mine would be to eat more Pizza with Cheeese!and to get on the forum in work!!! Dang those blockers!


Better Than Cheddar

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I'll make my resolution more realistic- to listen to FFR more and be on the FORUM more often.  How about that?


Grand Poobah


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good resolution!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Better Than Cheddar

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Right on.  I can't screw that one up.  But the IT guy can.


Living Legend

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this year I resolve to live more in the moment and not to worry so much about tomorrow. Im a terrible future thinker....

This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!

80's Rock Chick

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venuscancer wrote:

  Well, let's see. There is quite a few things I need to work on but the top are:  walk my dogs more so I can convince they that I'm the pack leader.

sounds like someone's watching The Dog Whisperer

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

80's Rock Chick

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Sparky wrote:

JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

very welcome!

looks like I will have to buy a fistful of freeze frame bikinis to mail out for christmas next year!

and no sparky, you can't have one.

Ahhh Shucks!

I woulda looked purtty too!

That is hilarious! (And I love your avitar too, Sparky.)

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

Thanks LS!

How are you this evening? Got any big plans for New Year's Eve?

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

Sparky wrote:

Thanks LS!

How are you this evening? Got any big plans for New Year's Eve?

I'm doing the usual for NY Eve - getting together with my best friend to watch some movies and hang out in the comfort of my own home, where no drunk driver could possibly run me down. (Well, unless they were really really really off the road, and had like - let's say a tank or something to break through the wall...)

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Yep us too, we are gonna hang out with Dick Clark's Rocking Eve, I hope he makes an appearance this year....but I'm very doubtfull.

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Chairwoman Of The Board

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My mom told me I should make a resolution to speak nicer to my lying cheating SOB  of a husband when he calls.  She's probably right...



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Concert, some whore da vors and a hotel room! yee ha! As for resolutions, I start sometime in July. That way I can be ready for all the goofs trying to change their lives during the second after new years. Chances are, most are toast. The next day, when they awake... what the f#@k did I say?

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

The Wonder From Down Under

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Tennessee Gal wrote:

My mom told me I should make a resolution to speak nicer to my lying cheating SOB  of a husband when he calls.  She's probably right...

TG, your husband sounds like my ex...miserable, cheating, lying, low-life S.O.B.

My resolution is to stop calling him that!

I am happy and content being single now after 9 months...but he was too bad a memory to stop calling him that!  I ran into him a few days ago...not a nice much as I wanted to knee him where it hurt most I just smiled and wished him best wishes for the New Year...felt good to put a resolution into practice early...and was quite good for the soul!


80's Rock Chick

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squonk wrote:

Concert, some whore da vors and a hotel room! yee ha! As for resolutions, I start sometime in July. That way I can be ready for all the goofs trying to change their lives during the second after new years. Chances are, most are toast. The next day, when they awake... what the f#@k did I say?

What concert?

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

squonks going to go see Cake. They are the big event here in down that night. Oh, Harlem Globetrotters are in town too.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Bad Biker Granny

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Tennessee Gal wrote:

My mom told me I should make a resolution to speak nicer to my lying cheating SOB  of a husband when he calls.  She's probably right...

But then again, he is a cheating, lying SOB. Sorry... given that I have one of my own I'm kinda merciless.  The funny thing is he says his resolution is to "work on us".

Perhaps your mom is going for "don't let anger run your life"?  I'm kind of trying that myself.

-- Edited by Mad Mema at 08:13, 2006-12-30


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Chairwoman Of The Board

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Actually, I am going to try and be nicer.  I'm going to try and (k)ill him with kindness!!  HeeHee Hee. 

When I act like a shrill psycho, it reconfirms his thoughts that he's getting out just in the nick of time.  (Truthfully, he's just acting like a big baby.  I'm not ful the majority of our phone calls, and I don't say half the ugly things I'm thinking.  He's just such an easy target right now!!)  I want him to consider this path the stupidest decision he ever made, not the other way around. 

I do still have this fear of actually exploding or combusting though.  I guess I'll just have to burn my dog's ears with my vile diatribe (yes, I had to look that word up in the dictionary before I felt comfortable enough to use it)!!


Bad Biker Granny

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I know exactly how you feel. I'm trying to not be hateful toward my spouse since we are actually trying to work things out.  I still have my moments, but I'm getting better. 

I do have to admit that I was a bit harsh with his parents.  I mailed them back the Christmas present they sent home with him for me.  I don't believe I will ever forgive them for buddying up to the ho like they did... and I told them so in a three page letter. I don't regret doing so, not even for a minute. Those people have been jerks to me since I've known them. It's about time they got an ear full (or in this case an eye full) from me.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 720

You ARE the WOMAN!!  Guess that explains who's been using the voodoo on you mentioned in my other post to you!!


Bad Biker Granny

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Hehehehe... If this is the worst they have for me, that's okay.  This week has not been much fun health wise, but I'm on the upswing.  Can't help but think that I really did need to get that box mailed off to them. I wrote the letter on the 26th, then spent a couple days tweaking it and carefully considering what I was saying before I sent it.  I mailed it yesterday. Today, I'm feeling much better. Perhaps that act lifted the hex.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Chairwoman Of The Board

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Hubby's parents never approved of me either.  On our wedding day, she came up, said, "I guess you won, you can call me Mom now".  NOT!!  I was in and out of approval for years.  What's so bad is she treated her own three kids the same way.  Someone was ALWAYS out of favor.  That conditional love and approval was too weird for me.  Maybe it explains why the ex is so screwed up and looking for love in ALLL the wrong places and faces.


Bad Biker Granny

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That's the funny thing. Kev's parents spent the last several years telling me how wonderful they think I am. How they think I'm the best thing that ever happened to their son and grandsons. Then 2 days before the ho called me to tell me all about herself, they have her and her kids over for lunch. Unfortunately, that is stereotypical behavior from them. It is exactly why Kev and his sisters have the issues that they do. In the letter I wrote them, I told them I hope they are intensely proud of themselves for teaching their children their values of "non-interference". There is a legal term for that type of value system: Callous and indifferent behavior. It is a crime in many parts of the country.

By way of explanation... they claim that the reason it was okay for them to have the ho over for lunch is that they make it their policy to "not interfere" with the lives of their children.  I guess that also explains how they managed to raise a rapist (now deceased), a philandering alcoholic, and a self-mutilating, suicidal, drug addict. That would be 3 out of their total of 5 kids. Not even a good batting average.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 720

Same here.  His parents didn't celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas with their family this year.  One chose years ago to separate herself from them and lives out of state with very little contact, the other is on the outs right now, so they are taking a "sabbatical" from her, and my ex, who used to be the only normal one, is off screwing his life up and throwing away everything he had.  So, they're 0-3.  I think I'd run and hide too.


Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

I just skipped the in-laws this year.  The last time I saw them, my father-in-law wouldn't even make eye contact with me. I gather he had some sense that he ought to be ashamed of himself. His wife was just rude. She actually interrupted a conversation I was having with my husband's ex-wife just to make a nasty and inaccurate comment to me. I'd suppose it shouldn't surprise me that Kev always gets on me for my attitude with them. It seems like one is always inclined to protect one's abuser. I'm sure they will be shocked to get their present back from me along with the letter I wrote them. They certainly are not used to having anyone stand up to them. Oh well. Kev must have told them at some point that I'm not exactly the wilting flower type.  It's also not as if I haven't spoken up once or twice over the years. 


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


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I will find out just how old I am. I would have to guess that I will be one of the old people. (45)
We saw Cake in ChiTown, they were good. Sure hope they give me the $$ worth. More on Tues.
I think the most interesting part of the night will be seeing downtown Milwaukee on New Years. In the most recent years I've pretty much been at home. Being a father made it so. Back in 04 we stayed out in the forest, it was cool. The rest of the world was whoopin' it up... we sat close to the fire.

Take it easy JD

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

you too man.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

squonks going to go see Cake. They are the big event here in down that night. Oh, Harlem Globetrotters are in town too.

Ah-ha. Loved the Harlem Globetrotters as a kid. Loved them on Scooby Doo, too! My sister & family recently went to see them. I'm surprised there's still a team!

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I think I was 12 when I went to go see them- still had Curly and Meadowlark Lemon (sic?)

I remember they were doing the team introductions and being ticked off that I couldn't see Curly, who was one was bald in line. but then this guy starts goofing around and smiling in a james brown like was Curly! Big cheers for that- I think the whole arena was "WHERE'S CURLY WHERE'S CURLY!?!?!" and there he was...<---bald and smiling like this guy.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
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