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Post Info TOPIC: Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

I watched the movie "The Champ" last night, w/ Rickie Shroder <sp?> as a little boy...   An oldie but goodie. Boy, does that movie make me cry like a baby. 

What movies make you become a tear jerker???


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The Wonder From Down Under

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RE: Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

"Anya's Bell"...can't remember the actress, but it was a real chocolate-box era movie!

Oh and so did Forrest Gump!


Ghost In The Machine

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"Bridges of Madison County".......the ending gets me every time....she loved him, wanted to go with him but couldn't leave her children to follow her heart.  Reminds me of someone I know :(


Permanent Vacation

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RE: Movies that are &quot;tear jerkers&quot;.....

I just finished watching The Green Mile. That was a tearjerker.

The movie that gets my husband every time is Big Fish. Great movie!

-- Edited by MzHartz at 09:58, 2007-01-13




The Wonder From Down Under

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RE: Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

MzHartz wrote:

I just finished watching The Green Mile. That was a tearjerker.

The movie that gets my husband every time is Big Fish. Great movie!

-- Edited by MzHartz at 09:58, 2007-01-13

Oh the Green Mile!!  Yes..I bawled my eyes out!


Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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Mine are typical tear jerkers


Steel Magnolias- ( Sally Fields breakdown  was a bawler for me)


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Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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Mr Hollands Opus

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The Wonder From Down Under

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The Wonder From Down Under

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RE: Movies that are &quot;tear jerkers&quot;.....

"One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"

oh and "To Kill A Mockingbird"

-- Edited by Jules at 10:18, 2007-01-13


Ghost In The Machine

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RE: Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

yeah Mr. Holland's Opus and Steel Magnolias are also faves of mine.  I also break down watching "The Joy Luck Club"....the mothers' stories are heartbreaking.


Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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RE: Movies that are tear jerkers

the Rose

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Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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RE: Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

the notebook.

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The Wonder From Down Under

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RE: Movies that are &quot;tear jerkers&quot;.....

The Australian movie "Rabbit Proof Fence" about the stolen generation.  Now that was sad!  And a true story at that!


Grand Poobah


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RE: Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

The end of Ray, when his little brother told him it was ok. Oh did I lose it....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Permanent Vacation

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Jules wrote:


My sister was little when we watched Bambi, maybe 4 years old. (There's a big age difference between us, she's currently 14.) When Bambi's mother got killed, she didn't even flinch. At the end of the movie, she looks at me and asks, "Where's Bambi's mom?" I replied, "She got shot by the hunter." My sister immediately started bawling!




The Wonder From Down Under

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RE: Movies that are &quot;tear jerkers&quot;.....

MzHartz wrote:

Jules wrote:


My sister was little when we watched Bambi, maybe 4 years old. (There's a big age difference between us, she's currently 14.) When Bambi's mother got killed, she didn't even flinch. At the end of the movie, she looks at me and asks, "Where's Bambi's mom?" I replied, "She got shot by the hunter." My sister immediately started bawling!

Oh I bawled as a kid!  Then I watched it with my niece about a year ago and it still brought a tear to my eye!  I'm a real softie!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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RE: Movies that are "tear jerkers".....

Unfortunately my list would be too long   What can I say, I get emotionally invested in a movie


But my favorite is "Heart & Souls".  That's like a roller-coaster of emotions, back and forth between very happy and very sad about five times.

Everytime one of the characters accomplishes their goal I get happy, then when they have to leave it makes me get that pain in my throat that occurs when I try to avoid letting any tears flow.


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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With Robert Downey Junior! That was one of my favorite movies!


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Phat Cat EL Presidente


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I know it's not a movie but this brought tears to my eyes!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Sparky wrote:

With Robert Downey Junior! That was one of my favorite movies!




That's the one!!!     I LOVE THAT MOVIE!  Everytime that bus rolled in I'd get a sick feeling in my gut and be thinking "OH, LEAVE THEM ALONE YOU JERK!"


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Wow, what an incredible list of good movies! I think there are different types of tearjerkers...there's the tragic, the dramatically sad, the touchingly many! Here's a few of my faves, and yes, I cry every time I watch them...

Schindler's List - a magnificent depiction of one of the greatest human injustices of all time. I wept at the horror of it all, but also cried a bit for the beauty of the human spirit.

Awakenings - A  rollercoaster of joyful tears and sorrowful sobs for the fortunes of the group of people who somehow touch your heart.

Memoirs of a Geisha - An exotic, romantic tearjerker...the struggles of that beautiful, gentle soul and the powerful and undying love for a man finally satiated! {{sigh}} If you read the book, it's even better.

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Ghost In The Machine

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"Memoirs".....I agree, the book was very good.  I read it first then saw the movie....lots more detail and background info given in the book....and yes, I cried joyful tears at the end. 


Grand Poobah


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I forget what it was called, but there was a movie with Michael Keaten and Nicole Kidman where they are married and he gets cancer. Now cancer movies are terrible that way...but in one scene he is slow dancing with her at some fair, saying it was a special holiday for them. She's all "what...what is it?" and it was the day the doctors told him he would be dead by. And he was just fine that day...and they slow dance........holy crap....I could almost cry thinking about it......

yea.....I think I'm gonna go outside and smash up some bricks and haul them off by hand to the dump.....then eat my dinner of beef jerky and blatz...(FAAAAAAAARTTTT) YEP!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Ghost In The Machine

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I think that movie was called "My Life" JD....not sure, know it had the word life in it though.

Ya know, it's really good to see the men here admit that certain movies get to them emotionally.  Most claim to hate "chick flicks" yet here you guys are, telling us women that certain movies get to you on the emotional level.  Takes a big man to admit it, and I give kudos to all of you.




Grand Poobah


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thats the one ghost dancer!!

a few winters ago it was just brutal through february weather wise, so I'd gotten into full on movie rental mode and indeed a few of these were "chick-flicks", but with that element of plausability to at least let me give it a chance.......

I think I cried at the end of Rocky 1 too tho, I was just proud of him.....the rest I cried during and after simply because they were so bad.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Ghost In The Machine

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I hear that!!  Bad movies make me cry too simply because I was foolish enough to waste good money on 'em.  Haha.



Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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thumperglh wrote:

Mr Hollands Opus

Oh I am such a blubbering fool at the end of that movie.

I'm glad we started this thread, now I want to rent the one's I haven't seen yet... and just cry my eyes out....w/ Kaisha gone still I'm in a depressed kinda mood. 


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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I forgot the main ones.

Where the Red Fern Grows!

If you did not cry at that movie then you have issues. Dan and Little Ann were SOOO CUTE and then when Old Dan got shot and Little Ann crawled her broken body to his grave and died just made me bawl



If you did not cry when old yeller got shot.

you have issues

The best thing this side of a stove

Chairwoman Of The Board

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I'm a tearophyiliac.  I cry at the drop of a hat during movies.  Thus I'll limit myself to movies that I actually saw in a theater:  "When a Man Loves a Woman", "Steel Magnolias", and "Forrest Gump".  I know the last one isn't a sad movie as a whole, but when Forrest is standing at Jennie's grave and talking to her under that big tree I just lost it. 


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Tennessee Gal wrote:

I'm a tearophyiliac.  I cry at the drop of a hat during movies.  Thus I'll limit myself to movies that I actually saw in a theater:  "When a Man Loves a Woman", "Steel Magnolias", and "Forrest Gump".  I know the last one isn't a sad movie as a whole, but when Forrest is standing at Jennie's grave and talking to her under that big tree I just lost it. 

I hear you TG, that scene makes me lose it every time too!


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

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