Its a chilly 6° here in central Nebraska this morning.
I'm doing my normal Sunday thing . . . . getting ready to go to worship team practice. We're doing two new songs today so it may be a little rough on those. If we do one of the new ones in the same style that it was written and intended, it is a pretty rockin' song for us. It is pushing my limited bass playing ability, but its fun. Sometimes we slow things down a bit as we have to keep the older folks with us too, so I'm not sure what our leader has planned for it.
Now that we have our new mixer, the live feed is sounding much better for our music. If you want to listen in, we start at 10:45am CST and the link is HERE. Our pastor started a new sermon series last week on the book of Mark. That was mainly introduction so you could start in this week and know you didn't miss much.
I think I'll go start the van and let it warm up good before I go.
Oh it's balmy as anything so warm! It's almost Monday here and I've just spent the afternoon/evening on a boat cruising some of the beautiful! Watched the sunset over the reef while sipping champers and feasting on seafood buffet...well I'm allergic to most of it but I pigged out on the fish and good! Oh to look over the side and see the wonders of the reef is magnificent! Clear water...colourful fish, coral, pretty shells and other wonderful sea life! Ahh...don't know how I'm going to drag myself away from this!
Anyway, I hope you all have yourselves such a relaxing, peaceful day..I know mine will be!
Big game today. Patriots are in San Diego w/ Kaisha and that is enough for me to know that they will win. She will bring them luck just being in the same city.
She comes home tomorrow and I am so ready to see her!! I miss her so much!!