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Post Info TOPIC: Monday....

The Wonder From Down Under

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Good morning everyone!


The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

Aww...I gotta go home soon!  Back to reality for Jules...damn!!  The holiday is over!

But I wish you all a happy day and will be thinking of you all on my journey home!


Ghost In The Machine

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Good morning Jules!!, good evening to you, smile.  I woke up to four inches of snow this morning, and am sitting here looking out the window at it, thinking I'll let my husband do the snow blowing today, haha.  No work for me this morning....MLK's I have an extended weekend. Yah!!!


The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

Oooo you lucky thing Sandy!  Enjoy!!!

Yep...put the husband out to work, put your feet up and just rock out!


Ghost In The Machine

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Yeah I figure it's his turn to do it since he's home too this morning.....usually I'm the one that gets stuck with it since I leave later in the mornings for work.  Think I'll smile and wave to him out the window.   Ooooooh I can be so bad sometimes!!


The Wonder From Down Under

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Doesn't Do Windows

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Howdy Folks,

A cold, snowy 0° morning here.

School is not starting until 10:00am because of the 2-3" of snow we got yesterday evening. Fortunately, the school phone system called about 10 minutes before I would have gotten the boy up so he gets to sleep in a while.

Mrs Web is also off today for MLK because she works in a bank.

MLK Monday now always reminds me of this incident . . .

A couple years ago, my wife was off work on MLK Monday so we went to the Chinese restaurant for lunch. I was sitting by the window and had a straight view of our county court house about 1.5 blocks from the restaurant.

As we were sitting there eating, I saw someone walking up the long sidewalk toward the court house. The whole time, I was quietly saying "Its closed . . . its closed . . . its closed". Finally, the person got to the top of the steps and pulled on the locked door. As he then turned around to leave, I could then tell it was a black man.

Now, generally, that is nothing to think about, but at that time, there were only about three black families in our entire town. I just found it ironic that in the hour I sat there, the only person I saw try to get into the closed court house on MLK day was one of very few black people that live here.

Hmmm, Chinese buffet sounds good for lunch again today.


Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

Web, they close schools there for 3 inches of snow??  Here we need at least 6 to close 'em and sometimes even then there will be school. 


Permanent Vacation

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Good day all. I've got stuff I didn't finish up last week, and I have a conference in Indy to go to tomorrow, so today will probably be pretty hectic.




Permanent Vacation

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ghostdancer wrote:

Web, they close schools there for 3 inches of snow??  Here we need at least 6 to close 'em and sometimes even then there will be school. 

I would guess that snow is on top of the ice...




Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

Oh right, forgot that Web has seen a huge amount of ice recently.


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Living down here in TN, we don't get a lot of big snows, Big= 3 inches and better.  Since we aren't equipped with a lot of snow removal equipment, we shut down at the beginning of flurries.  I think the schools are worried about liability if s should happen due to slick roads.  That plus we always build in the snow days when they put together the school calendar so I guess they think they might as well use them.  Our drivers are pretty bad down here.  They think rain should slow them down to 75 mph and snow to about 70.  They don't worry about having car lengths between the car in front of them because they are worried someone will change lanes and get in front of them.  I'm afraid our Southern charm and manners go to the wayside when we get behind the wheel.


The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

All this snow and ice talk is so foreign to me!!!  So weird to think while it is snowing there it is blazing hot here!  I feel guilty for swimming and trying to escape heat when all you guys need is some heat!


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Don't worry, in six months, we'll be complaining about the heat and humidity.  Spring is my season of choice.  I love the blooming trees and flowers.


Doesn't Do Windows

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They didn't close school today, it is just starting late. They can start at 10:00 and still have it count as a full day. Being the rural area we are, a good percentage of students here either ride a buss or drive in several miles on open country roads. The late start just gives them more time to get in without having to rush.

The school superintendent lives across the street from me. I see he's out blowing his own snow right now . . . maybe he just decided he wanted time to do that before having to go to work himself.


Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

It's ok Jules, I forgive you....grudgingly of course, haha.  I always tell people that don't know what cold really is to do the freezer in your fridge, stick your head in it for a few minutes.....that's MI weather in the winter. haha

My sister-in-law lives in Hawaii....never saw snow before....she came here for a visit a few winters ago.....was actually nice when she arrived.....the third day here, we got a blizzard which dumped over a foot of snow on us.....she stayed outside playing in the snow almost the entire day.....later, when the snow plows went through, she went out to the store.....wasn't gone very long, came back and asked how do you drive on this stuff???  She didn't drive again the rest of the time she was here. 


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Good mornoonevening everyone, I will be on the road for the next 6 to 7 hours today, I have a bizness trip to Denver with some continuing education tests tomorrow. Everyone have a great couple days and I'll see ya when I get back.

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Grand Poobah


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"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

Tuesday here now!  11 hours to home time!   I don't want to leave here as much as I want to get home!


The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

Well I best be off to bed now...plane to catch in a few hours so I better get some sleep!

Have a great day everyone!


Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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Let me be the 1st to wish you a happy Tuesday Jules!


The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

Oh thank you SG!  

Hope you have a happy day too!


The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650
Date: avatar as well!  I like!


Low in Fiber High in M-SG

Status: Offline
Posts: 5952

Thanks....Just looking to get into a "fine mess"!


The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650


Well goodnight...and if I don't catch you in a few hours I'll be seeing you all in a few days then! 


The Chosen Woo

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Well I didn't sleep well. Then at 5:30 am I remembered that we didn't fill out our time off requests for the year and they were due today to be counted with seniority. But I was saved when we got a phone call telling us that we were closed today due to the weather. So I got a 2nd chance at sleep and another day to get them time offs filled out with Mr Sicky.

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. History is indeed made up of significant events which shape our future and outstanding leaders who influence our destiny.

Martin Luther King's contributions to our history place him in this inimitable position. In his short life, Martin Luther King was instrumental in helping us realize and rectify those unspeakable flaws which were tarnishing the name of America. The events which took place in and around his life were earth shattering, for they represented an America which was hostile and quite different from America as we see it today.

Martin Luther King, Jr. catapulted to fame when he came to the assistance of Rosa Parks, the Montgomery, Alabama Black seamstress who refused to give up her seat on a segregated Montgomery bus to a White passenger. In those days American Blacks were confined to positions of second class citizenship by restrictive laws and customs. To break these laws would mean subjugation and humiliation by the police and the legal system. Beatings, imprisonment and sometimes death were waiting for those who defied the System.

Black Americans needed a Martin Luther King, but above all America needed him. The significant qualities of this special man cannot be underestimated nor taken for granted. Within a span of 13 years from 1955 to his death in 1968 he was able to expound, expose, and extricate America from many wrongs. His tactics of protest involved non-violent passive resistance to racial injustice. It was the right prescription for our country, and it was right on time. Hope in America was waning on the part of many Black Americans, but Martin Luther King, Jr. provided a candle along with a light. He also provided this nation with a road map so that all people could locate and share together in the abundance of this great democracy.

We honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. because he showed us the way to mend those broken fences and to move on in building this land rather than destroying it. He led campaign after campaign in the streets of America and on to the governor's mansion - even to the White House - in an effort to secure change. Today Black Americans have federal legislation which provides access and legal protection in the areas of public accommodations, housing, voting rights, schools, and transportation. These rights were not easily won, nor readily accepted, but the good will and conscience of an enormous spectrum of our society both Black and White said "Move On."

Thank you Dr. King for being the drum major who was able and ready to lead our nation to greater heights through love and peace.

Professor Melvin Sylvester, June 1998

Happy Monday all! Happy MLK Day!

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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Posts: 5952

Sometimes things just work out Woo!


Smiles everyone, smiles!

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Posts: 8321

somebody help me!!!!!  i've been holed up in this house since 2 pm friday and i can't take it anymore!  i want to go to work!  we can't get up the drive....

we weren't hit with as much as ice as most places in the state and we still have power.  thank god i'm not an okie from muskogee --  they really got hit hard.  some trees were uprooted with the weight of the ice and so many without power.  last i saw, over 122,000 households w/o power, mostly in southern and eastern oklahoma.  the entire town of disney w/o power or water, and mcalester has also been badly hit, and  the panhandle hadn't even come out of the last two snowfalls and were hit again...

i saw a little mouse on the porch last night and i didn't have the heart to stomp him.  i hope the little bastard doesn't make his way inside...

first the big storm, now the big chill, next the price gouging! 


smiles everyone!  smiles! 

You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

ghostdancer wrote:

open the freezer in your fridge, stick your head in it for a few minutes.....that's MI weather in the winter. haha

Actually, most freezers are about 0 degrees. Even down in Southern Indiana, we get at least a couple days a year below zero.




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