My opinions: Best: Jessica Biel (my idea of the perfect body), Jennifer Garner, and Drew Barrymore looked prettier than I've EVER seen her. Just wondering guys: Is she Hot, Beautiful, or Cute? Kyra Sedgewick's dress was beautiful (She and Keven Bacon are also on my favorite couples list). Worst dressed: Penelope Cruz whom I usually love looked like a Flamenco dancer tonight, Geena Davis and Renee Zelwigger were too shiny and satiny, Salma Hayek looked chunky in too many layers (she's typically HOT in my female perspective). Angelina, whom I find to be very exotic and attractive, both beautiful and hot, now looks like a walking billboard with all of her tats. It's quite distracting. The cut of her dress was gorgeous, but the gray color was dreadful.
For men, Patrick Dempsey, HOT!!!, Michael Bolton, who typically turns me off was HOT!!, and Brad Pitt, perfect as usualy. Jeremy Irons looked absolutely ghastly. The tux and particularly the cuffs on his shirt were horrendous. Not to mention, he looks horriby AIDS-like ill.
Just wondering what everybody else thought. I haven't watched enough TV and movies this year to care about who wins what. I just like the dresses.
Oh, I love the pics of those beautiful gowns! Jennifer Garner looked simple but elegant. Ken Watanabe and Will Smith looked dashing. Angelina's dress did not do her justice but her hair and makeup had a classic beauty. Drew was absolutely stunning!
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"