eh well I am at work. Hubby is still home sick. I've had a bad morning trying to get everything done. I didn't know we got more snow and went to start the car in just a sweatshirt. Had to fight with doors to get them open and uncover the car. The driver's door wouldn't open and I had to climb thru the other side to get it open. Then it wouldn't close. My husband ended up coming out to get it to work despite me telling him to let me handle it. I got stuck in the driveway briefly. The roads were bad and then you have to add the people on there that make it worse. Slamming on there brakes on slippery roads. I swear I was getting in an accident today.
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 08:29, 2007-01-16
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Sorry you're off to a rough start, Woo. I hope your day gets better.
It's just darned cold here this morning. It is now 41 degrees BELOW FREEZING (-9). At least both vehicles started this morning we we all got where we're supposed to be.