Hello all! Sorry I have not been around much lately. Things have been hectic. I hope all are well, especially given the onslaught of winter weather that has plagued so many of us. Looks like we have another round of snow and ice headed our way either later today or tomorrow.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I just spent 20 minutes outside in the cold on my picnic table, watching about 7 squirrels in the big tree in my backyard.
I've got about a three or four story tall pine tree back there, and when I took the dog out a bold squirrel makin' an awful lotta noise walked right up to me, about a foot away. I think the silly thing didn't notice me, because when I moved he stopped, looked at me, turned around and did a slow jog back to the tree.
From that point I spent that 20 minutes watching him and six or seven of his buddies doing gymnastics between the four trees and the garbage cans in my back yard. The WHOLE time chirping back and forth.
At one point one of them fell from the tree to the lawn, the others all came down as if to see if he was ok. There was a lot of chatter between them then they all went back to playing.
It was one of those moments that just kind of made me sit back and think about all the things in this world that you don't notice day to day. All the amazing things around us we take for granted. Just a really good way to start my day :)
If it weren't so frickin' cold I think I could have sat out there and watched those little guys until sundown.
Happy Saturday everyone!!! And Sunday here!! Pouring with rain today...man tropical rain downfall is incredible! So perfect excuse to just put feet up and read for the day...and reading for me means...arggghhh thought I'd better do it but...."First Aid" for just about everything!!! Hahaha