They're missing a good day on Freezeframe Radio!
I've been on all day. It's really been good. Started a bit slow with the lame 70's soft crap. But, for the past couple of hours.... dang!
Even worse than the cavemen!
Yes, according to MSN, Russ Klein, Burger King's president of global marketing strategy, has announced a Burger King movie starring the creepy masked "Burger King." He tells MSN that Burger King has already "lined up a studio and distributor for a feature film." Accord...
Sad, sad day for Rock and Roll - RIP Brad Delp
Boston Lead Singer Brad Delp Dies at 55 By Associated Press document.write(getElapsed("20070309T235834Z"));16 minutes agoUPDATED -2 MINUTES AGO ATKINSON, N.H. - Brad Delp, the lead singer for Boston, a huge rock sensation in the 1970s, was found dead Friday in his home, police said. He was 5...
Morning all- well the hubby has to work, so I am gonna go try to paint. I think teeball is cancelled this morning cause of rain. The coach lives right acroos the street, so I will go bug thme shortly. It rained last night, so I am thinking the ground is too wet. Have a great!
Make That 2 For Jules!
Before she ran off to bed she made it to 2,000! CONGRATULATIONS! Glad you are here! 
Woo Hoo
Request System Down
About 11 minutes ago the cable company that provides our broadband appears to have changed our ISP dramatically from what it had been. The result is that you can no longer connect to the request system. We'll have to wait until Webguy is around to change the IP address on his end. I've already...
Jeremy Riggs
Random funny!
A myspace friend sent this to me and I wanted to share! I know a couple of you have visited my site and laughed at this already!
Dylan Hears a Who!
This is great!! It's simulated Bob Dylan versions of Dr. Suess books. It's amusing for a listen. Dylan Hears a Who
Something for the studio, maybe Web can build!
USB-Powered Office Cannon By Alice RealTechNews --> By Alice Hill RealTechNews We stopped covering offbeat USB devices some time ago, but this one was worth a closer look. To those trapped in office hellfire, it’s time to spring for some serious firepower and mount a USB-powered cannon on your...
Ruby comes through for us, and perhaps Mz too?!?
Ruby, I just checked the stats and it looks like about 40 people this week came from that other forum you use! I have no way of knowing how many tuned in, but I'm sure atleast a few of them did! NICE JOB! Thanks a bunch! Also, we had a referrel from YAHOO QUESTIONS, I think it was Mz that sent em...
Jeremy Riggs
The Weird Newz
Alright it took me a while to get around to checking this photo out, but COME ON! Who in their right mind would EAT that thing?!?!?! You couldn't possibly know if it was safe or not! So now the cynical side of me wonders if this was a hoax. Film it, then claim you ate it so no one can disprove your hoax. ...
Jeremy Riggs
Understanding Engineers
Understanding Engineers - Take One: Two engineering students were walking across a university campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, Minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on...
JD The Jazz Doctor
Still no Luane Parle
Jeesh, I ordered and was charged for the CD 11 days ago and it still hasn't arrived! Now I can't feature it as a new music weekend CD yet. Sorry! Hopefully next weekend. It better be worth it too! After the currency exchange rate it would up costing over $21 with "free shipping"! ...
Jeremy Riggs
I can't sleep in ever! Plus I am getting ready and teasing my son to believe that I will be shadowing him today- he is not to that point yet, I would if I had to. Anyway, I am gonna do some little chores and then take E to my job so she can visit. Then it is off to lunch with my cop friend. E has vacation bible sc...
We forgot our own anniversary!
With all this RIAA stuff I've been playing around a lot on the Live365 site and I stumbled across the stations actual anniversary date (not hard to find, it's right on our station description page ) It's May 25, 2003. All this time JD & I have been celebrating it as being some time...
Jeremy Riggs
Hey All - Need your Help!
1 2
So I'm close to hitting my first 1000 posts (that's a scary thought), which I guess means I get to play with the big kids now! Ruby was kind enough to remind me that I need to come up with a new tagline for when I reach 1K, but I have no ideas. Can y'all help me think of one? your suggesti...
A magazine JUST for Webguy!
I saw this magazine on Comedy Centrals "Colbert Report" and immediately thougt of web... http://makezine.com/ It's all about making stuff from other peices of tech equipment. They even talked about making cameras for your kites! Have you ever heard of it Web? Are you already a su...
Jeremy Riggs
:( A real life Lassie story from Indiana
Dog saves family, then dies in fire Lassie wakes up owners, enabling them to escape; perishes in fire herself The Associated Press Updated: 7:45 p.m. CT March 8, 2007 ANDERSON, Ind. - A collie named Lassie roused her owners and enabled them to escape their burning home but died in the fire, relatives s...
Jeremy Riggs
Another story regarding the RIAA
This story was just emailed to me from CheeseLVR. It brings up another point that I have totally forgotten to mention. This point isn't even being discussed, but it goes a long way toward showing how unfairly internet radio is treated in comparison to terrestrial radio. Internet broadcasters...
Jeremy Riggs
Hows yer day goin' Jules?
Anything exciting goin' on ? Any crazy croc's roamin' the streets tonight?
Jeremy Riggs
Texas deerstand
You gotta admit... This is kinda fun right?
All of us banding together (even with other stations) to fight the black-hearted RIAA!?!?! Whaddya say when all this is over we go to the Redwood Forests and chain ourselves to some trees!!! 
Jeremy Riggs
Late Nite "AS SEEN ON TV" Product Purchases?
1 2
I'm crawling around the floor looking for urine spots now! With my little black light it looks like CSI: Freeze-Frame in my living room! Anyone else have any of these purchases? Good products? Bad Products? Scams? Tell us your stories!
Jeremy Riggs
Heather 1000 Landing Pad
JD The Jazz Doctor
Good thing we're all stupid!
Atleast, that must be what the people running Barack Obama's campaign must think You know, I'm a republican, but if a Democrat has to win the presidency the only two I could stomach would be Obama or Edwards. Maybe I have to take Obama off that list. I'm so tired of these politicians t...
Jeremy Riggs